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The Origin of Dusty Butterfly:

Surprise! It's actually about moths not butterflies

Let me introduce Dusty Butterfly. Dusty Butterfly emerged from my fear of moths. I couldn’t think of a better way to describe moths as anything besides dusty. They are creepy, and dark, and though similar to butterflies they miss this elegance and beauty we often associate with their twin, butterflies. I seem to attract moths, the encounters with these winged creatures seemingly drawn to smacking me in the face fueled my unease and constantly forces me to confront the uncomfortable. And this fear I have, as irrational as it is, has been the foundation for my brand. 


 You might wonder why I chose to base my brand on something I fear. The answer lies in my fascination with embracing discomfort. Instead of evading our discomfort, I find exploring it demands honesty and vulnerability that opens the door for personal growth. This discomfort I seek has led me to the realization that confronting our fears can illuminate the depths of our identity. Thus, Dusty Butterfly was born with a purpose to guide others through their discomfort and discover who they truly are. With that guidance I am here to help you portray who you want to be and how you want the world to see that.


In essence, Dusty Butterfly is more than a brand; it is a transformative experience, an exploration of identity. I thank you for considering me as your creative partner and I look forward to the opportunity of collaborating with you.



Greta Foster

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